最初发表于 福斯特集团.

作者:first Group


Delvecchio Finley面对挑战从不退缩.

That’s one of the reasons his last two jobs have been leading California public health organizations with different but significant issues. But as he surveys the changes needed not only within his own health system but throughout the nation 作为一个整体, he is adamant that healthcare is only part of the solution for what ails the U.S.

“尽管获得护理和护理质量很重要, 获得稳定的住房, 食物来源, education and jobs play a greater influence collectively on our overall health,” 芬利,阿拉米达太阳城博彩的首席执行官. “I think the evolving research in the field is making it a lot more evident to all of us that those issues are significant 健康的社会决定因素.”

The interconnectedness of all those factors makes health disparities harder to eradicate, 芬利说, 但开始的一个方法是解决 lack of diversity in healthcare leadership and the healthcare workforce 作为一个整体.

“Making sure that our workforce is representative of the community we serve – that people who are coming to us for care aren’t just the recipients of that care but can also play a major role in providing or facilitating that care – is what starts to provide access to good jobs and stable housing, and in turn begins to build a good economic engine for the community.

“因此, 你在对社区进行再投资, and that’s how we start to get at the root of this and not just through the delivery of the services.”

芬利在这方面有一些生活经验. 他在亚特兰大的公共住房中长大, where access to healthcare was poor even though the actual care was excellent when he and his family received it. 在他的附近, 他说, the three fields of employment that offered paths to upward mobility were healthcare, 教育和执法. 他是一个强壮的学生, 喜欢帮助别人, so he was eyeing a future as a physician during his undergraduate years at Emory University, 他在哪里获得的化学学位.

在完成我的学位后, I realized that I loved science but wasn’t necessarily as strong in it as I needed to be to become a doctor,他说. “But I still loved healthcare and wanted that to be something I pursued.”

He explored other avenues and ended up earning his master’s in public policy at Duke University. Finley was the first member of his family to graduate from college and to get a graduate degree as well, 但不是最后一个, 他很快就指出来.

“我最自豪的是, 而我是第一个从大学毕业的, 这一成就为我的表兄弟们指明了道路, 侄女和侄子, 是谁在继续为我们的家庭打破天花板.”

He says it was also within his family – and within public housing – where he first began learning leadership skills that would result in him becoming one of the youngest hospital CEOs in the country.

“我童年的大部分时间都是由姨妈抚养长大的, 她是一种自然的力量,芬利笑着说. “She served as president of the tenant association and she used that position to strongly advocate for reasonable services and humane treatment for people who were in a very challenging circumstance. I learned from her that we have a responsibility to use our gifts – and to use our voice and our station in life – to help people.”

That was certainly the impetus for taking the helm at both Alameda and his previous post as CEO of 港湾-加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心.

“Both of them are safety-net organizations that serve a disproportionately underserved community,芬利说。. “That resonates with me from both a personal and professional standpoint. They have both provided a chance to work with a team to get our hands around some of these issues because of the very important work and role that these organizations play in their communities.”

在港口, 更大的挑战来自监管, 没有好的, documentable evidence of the 质量 and safety of the care that was being provided, 幸运的是,我们克服了这个困难,并从那里继续前进,他说.

The difficulties that Finley and his team at Alameda have had to address are different, 他说. “A lot of it was short-term economic hardship combined with the growing pains of going from a historical health system that had grown exponentially through recent acquisitions of two community hospitals. 我们刚刚开始稳定和调整船的大小.”

实现持久变革的要素, 对卫生系统和社区都是如此, 触手可及, 他说. Alameda’s skilled nursing facilities recently outperformed a lot of private organizations in earning a 5-star rating from CMS, something Finley hopes can be replicated systemwide with a new strategic plan that promotes greater “systemness” and a focus on access, 质量, 病人的经验, 以及提供护理的创新方法.

太阳城博彩 is also a benefactor of the a state Medicaid Waiver called Medi-2020, which is a partnership between CMS and the State of California that aims to promote continued transformation of the safety-net delivery system for Medi-Cal recipients. 在公司内部,芬利计划带来更多 精益管理流程 到阿拉米达去.

He had begun to explore Lean several years ago when he was at Harbor-UCLA. He and leaders from a number of systems – including Alameda – took trips to watch Lean in operation at ThedaCare in Wisconsin, 弗吉尼亚·梅森在华盛顿, 以及科罗拉多州的丹佛健康中心.

“I appreciated that Lean wasn’t just a performance improvement methodology and the flavor of the day, 但它是一个操作系统,他说. “I think my other takeaway from the trip was that Lean is very hard to do. 你会断断续续的, 但如果你坚持下去, it can lead to some very transformative outcomes for your organization and for the community you serve.”

变革的结果? 芬利本人对此略知一二.
